Creatori di Vino

Pinot Bianco 2022 triumphs and confirms Gambero Rosso's Tre Bicchieri award again this year

4 OTTOBRE 2024

The Gambero Rosso Guide rewards Le Monde’s Pinot Bianco with the prestigious Tre Bicchieri award, recognizing its excellence once again.
A wine that impresses and conquers for its velvety, warm, all embracing and balanced body. Le Monde’s signature Pinot Blanc is definitely a wine of character, crisp, coming from the clay and limestone soils of the western part of Friuli, which create ideal conditions for this white grape variety that is as noble as it is difficult. Le Monde presents a refined version of the well-known French varietal: this wine is considered one of the best interpretations of Pinot Blanc in our peninsula. The nose immediately reminds of white peach and hints of spice. The Pinot Blanc from Le Monde winery, thanks to its ductility at the table, goes well with a wide range of dishes, but seafood appetizers, shellfish and crustaceans particularly enhance its characteristics.

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Le Monde Wine - Degustazione